Scholarships awarded by SA Heart Education and Research Foundation

Published: Jul 16, 2010

The SA Heart Education and Research Foundation has awarded its first round of scholarships to advance cardiac research.  Applications had been sought from current South Australian cardiac registrars, currently working South Australian cardiology PhD students and Cardiac Fellows based in South Australia.  The successful candidates, who presented research abstracts and answered questions from an invited audience and SA Heart cardiologists, were Dr Darryl Leong, Dr Chris Malkin, Dr Thanh Nguyen and Dr Dennis Wong.

The judging panel comprised Dr William Heddle (FMC), Dr Sharmalar Rajendran (TQEH) and Dr Ian Button standing in for Dr Matthew Worthley (RAH). Professor John Horowitz, Dr Margaret Arstall and Dr Vincent Goh were special guests of the Foundation at the awards function. Mr Richard Baldwin, the first private donor to the SA Heart Education and Research Foundation, had also been invited but tendered his apology as he was unable to attend.

SA Heart was represented at the awards night by Dr Bronte Ayres, Dr William Heddle, Dr Mark Sheppard, Dr Leon Zimmet, Dr Angas Hains, Dr John Hii, Dr Ian Button, Dr Peter Waddy, Dr Philip Adams, Dr Tapash Bakshi, Dr Andrew Philpott and the CEO, Mr Gerry Mak.

All inaugural directors of the SA Heart Education and Research Foundation were present, namely Dr Bronte Ayres (Chairman), Dr Sharmalar Rajendran, Dr Ian Button and Mr Gerry Mak (Secretary).

The Foundation acknowledges the venue sponsorship donated by Astra Zeneca, represented by Mr Steve Pados. Astra Zeneca is a valued supporter of cardiac research and education as it is undertaken through both the SA Heart Education and Research Foundation and SA Heart, which established the Foundation. 

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