Right Heart Catheterisation

What is it?

Right Heart catheterization is a study of the pressures and flow within the right side of the heart. This test can be valuable in the assessment of cardiac valvular disease, especially for surgery, and for the assessment of breathlessness. The test involves the insertion of a long thin catheter into a vein in the groin under local anaesthetic. The catheter is moved up the inside of the vein until it reaches the heart. When the catheter is in place, the pressures within the heart can be measured. This procedure is often performed concurrently with a Coronary Angiogram.  The procedure may take about 10-15 minutes


    • You will need to fast for 6 hours prior to the procedure.
    • Hospital admission is required and is generally a day case however some patients are required to stay in overnight depending on how they recover from the test.
    • Take all of your usual medications unless instructed otherwise by your cardiologist.
    • You may not drive after the procedure and are also not allowed to be alone that evening.


Your doctor will inform you of the results at the end of the procedure. A follow up appointment will more than likely be organized a couple of weeks later in the consulting rooms.

If you are a patient undergoing this procedure and you have any further queries, please raise them with your cardiologist.

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